Tag: marketing

Leveraging Reviews and Testimonials as User-Generated Content

The one strategy reigns supreme in digital marketing is User-Generated Content (UGC). Among the myriad forms of UGC, testimonials and reviews stand out as powerful tools for brands seeking to bolster their online presence. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of leveraging testimonials and reviews, optimising your approach for SEO, and unlocking the true potential of UGC.

Understanding the Essence of UGC:

User-Generated Content refers to any form of content—text, images, videos, etc.—created by users rather than brands themselves. Testimonials and reviews are prime examples, providing authentic insights into customer experiences with a product or service. Harnessing UGC empowers brands to establish trust, foster engagement, and amplify their reach across digital platforms.


User-Generated Content (UGC) offers a multitude of advantages for brands looking to thrive in the digital realm. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:


UGC provides genuine, unfiltered insights into the experiences of real customers. Unlike branded content, which may be perceived as biassed or promotional, UGC offers authentic perspectives that resonate with audiences and foster trust.

Social Proof: 

UGC serves as powerful social proof, validating the credibility and quality of a brand’s products or services. Positive testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers reassure potential buyers, alleviate doubts, and influence purchasing decisions.


Encouraging user participation through UGC fosters a sense of community and engagement. When customers feel valued and empowered to share their opinions and experiences, they become more invested in the brand and its offerings.

Increased Reach:

UGC has the potential to reach a broader audience through social sharing and organic distribution. When customers share their experiences on social media or review platforms, they amplify the brand’s reach, attracting new followers, customers, and advocates.


Leveraging UGC can be a cost-effective strategy compared to producing branded content. Instead of investing resources in creating content from scratch, brands can tap into the wealth of user-generated content already available and repurpose it for their marketing efforts.

SEO Benefits:

User-generated content, particularly reviews and testimonials, can boost a brand’s search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts. Fresh, relevant content generated by users enhances a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and contributes to improved rankings.

Insights and Feedback:

UGC provides valuable insights and feedback that can inform product development, marketing strategies, and customer service improvements. By listening to the voice of their customers, brands can identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.

Emotional Connection:

User-generated content often evokes emotions and connects with audiences on a deeper level. Personal stories, testimonials, and user-generated media create emotional resonance, strengthening the bond between customers and the brand.

Trust and Credibility:

Consumers tend to trust recommendations and endorsements from their peers more than traditional advertising. UGC builds trust and credibility by showcasing real experiences and demonstrating the brand’s commitment to customer satisfaction.

Brand Advocacy:

Satisfied customers who contribute to UGC can become brand advocates, actively promoting the brand to their networks and advocating on its behalf. Cultivating a community of brand advocates amplifies the brand’s message and extends its reach organically.

UGC and SEO:

In the realm of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), UGC, particularly testimonials and reviews, holds significant weight. Search engines prioritise fresh, relevant, and authentic content. Testimonials and reviews not only fulfil these criteria but also enrich your website with valuable keywords and long-tail phrases, enhancing its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Optimising Testimonials and Reviews for SEO:

Structured Data Markup: Implement structured data markup, such as Schema.org, to provide search engines with detailed information about your testimonials and reviews. This enables search engines to display rich snippets, enhancing the visibility and click-through rate of your listings.

Keyword Optimisation: Encourage customers to include relevant keywords naturally within their testimonials and reviews. These keywords align with your SEO strategy, increasing the likelihood of your content ranking for targeted search queries.

Diverse Content Formats: Embrace diverse content formats, including text, images, and videos, to cater to different user preferences. Optimise each format for SEO by incorporating descriptive filenames, alt text for images, and relevant metadata.

Social Proof Integration: Integrate testimonials and reviews seamlessly across your website and social media platforms. User-generated content serves as powerful social proof, validating your brand’s credibility and influencing purchasing decisions.

Cultivating a Culture of UGC: Building a robust ecosystem of user-generated content requires proactive engagement and incentivisation. Foster a community-centric approach by encouraging customers to share their experiences through reviews, testimonials, and user-generated media. Implement loyalty programs, incentives, and rewards to incentivise UGC creation and participation.

Leveraging UGC Beyond SEO: While SEO optimisation is crucial, the benefits of UGC extend far beyond improved search rankings. Testimonials and reviews serve as invaluable resources for product development, customer service enhancements, and marketing campaigns. Harness the insights gleaned from UGC to refine your offerings, address pain points, and nurture lasting customer relationships.

Why UGC Testimonials and Reviews Work

Leveraging User-Generated Content (UGC), including testimonials and reviews, is not just a marketing strategy; it’s a profound understanding of psychology and consumer behaviour. Let’s delve into why UGC testimonials and reviews are imperative by leveraging psychological principles and insights into consumer behaviour:

Social Proof:

One of the most influential psychological phenomena driving the importance of UGC is social proof. People tend to look to others for guidance in uncertain situations. Testimonials and reviews provide tangible evidence that others have had positive experiences with a product or service, thereby reducing perceived risk and increasing the likelihood of purchase.

Confirmation Bias:

Consumers naturally seek out information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs or desires. Positive testimonials and reviews align with this tendency, reinforcing the consumer’s inclination towards a particular product or brand. By leveraging UGC, brands can capitalise on confirmation bias to strengthen brand affinity and drive conversions.

Trust and Credibility:

Trust is paramount in consumer decision-making. UGC, especially from fellow consumers, enhances trust and credibility by providing authentic, unbiased perspectives. Consumers are more likely to trust the opinions of their peers over branded content, making testimonials and reviews indispensable tools for building trust in a brand or product.

Emotional Connection:

Human beings are inherently emotional creatures, and emotions play a significant role in consumer behaviour. Testimonials and reviews often evoke emotions such as joy, satisfaction, or excitement, creating a powerful emotional connection between the consumer and the brand. This emotional resonance can lead to stronger brand loyalty and advocacy.

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out):

The fear of missing out is a potent psychological motivator that drives consumer behaviour. When consumers see positive testimonials and reviews, they may experience FOMO, fearing that they will miss out on a great experience if they don’t purchase the product or service. Leveraging UGC can capitalise on this fear and prompt action.

Informational Social Influence:

People tend to conform to the actions or opinions of others when they are uncertain about what to do. Testimonials and reviews provide valuable information that influences consumer decisions. When potential customers see others endorsing a product or service, they are more likely to follow suit, guided by informational social influence.

Narrative Persuasion:

Stories have a profound impact on human cognition and behaviour. Testimonials and reviews often contain narratives of personal experiences, which are more engaging and persuasive than straightforward advertising messages. By weaving narratives into UGC, brands can captivate consumers’ attention and effectively convey their brand message.


The principle of reciprocity states that people feel obligated to return favours or gestures after receiving something of value. When customers provide testimonials or reviews, they are investing their time and effort into supporting the brand. In return, other consumers may feel compelled to reciprocate by purchasing the product or service.


Young smiling cheerful blonde girl making selfie while standing on the street

In the digital age, the voice of the customer reigns supreme. By using user-generated content, particularly testimonials and reviews, brands can elevate their online presence, foster trust, and drive tangible business outcomes. Through strategic SEO optimisation, proactive community engagement, and continuous refinement, you can unlock the full potential of UGC and propel your brand to new heights in the digital landscape.

Empower your brand with the authentic voice of your customers. Embrace user-generated content, optimise it for SEO, and witness the transformative impact on your online visibility and reputation.

Why Your Business Needs A Sales Funnel?

Sales Funnel by Tekhne

A sales funnel breaks down the customer journey from the beginning stage one, which is the “awareness” stage (when the customer first learns about your business), to the last stage, which is the “purchase or conversion” stage (when the customer is ready to purchase your product or service). Often funnels can also include being in touch with the customer post-sales as well with follow-ups, reviews on the product or service, remarketing, cross-selling, and upselling to increase customer retention rate.

The funnel will help structure your customer’s journey throughout your website. From various stages where the potential customer learns about your business to the conversion stage, the sales funnel maps the customer route to completion. Stage one (Awareness) of the funnel is purely focused on brand awareness and engagement, where people take the first step to visiting your website. Then, the visitor continues along the second and third stages (Interest & Consideration). This is where the audience demographic gets defined further. The visitor shows strong intent as he moves on to stage four and five (Intent & Evaluation); this stage is a make-or-break moment for most businesses as the visitor needs to be convinced of the product or services through reviews, price comparisons, additional benefits, and post-sale services. The last stage is the completion stage six (Purchase), where the website visitor has now converted into a paying customer.


Visitors > (MQL) Leads > (SQL) Qualified > Proposal > Negotiation > Win.

MQL: A marketing qualified lead is a visitor who has engaged with your company and has a prospect to convert into a potential consumer if nurtured properly. An MQL turns into SQL once they’re ready to connect with the sales team.

SQL: A sales-qualified lead is a potential customer that is ready to talk to a sales team. This lead has typically expressed strong intent in your product or service, that they’re ready to move into your sales process. A sales lead moves through the funnel once it’s been vetted and researched by the marketing department and then given to the sales team.

Inbound sales journey by Tekhne
*Source Hubspot

Sales funnel help in reaching out to a larger audience.

Widening the current sales funnel means a larger population of people must be reached through advertising to new consumers, increasing your brand awareness, adding inbound and outbound marketing, etc., to drive more visitors to your website. The purpose is to increase the reach and hence get more visitors through each stage of the sales funnel. This will help to maximize the conversion at the final stage of the funnel.

To have a successful sales funnel, it is important to know what the website and business goals are and focus on them—knowing your goals and customer demographic aids in creating a successful lead funnel. It becomes important to use the sales funnel as an extension of your website, applying the stages of the customer’s journey to see how they interact and react through the process.

sales funnel journey by Tekhne Agency

Stage 1: Awareness: Potential customers are drawn into this stage through marketing campaigns & consumer research, and discovery.

 Stage 2: Interest: Potential customers learn about the company, its products, and any helpful information.

 Stage 3: Consideration: Potential customers are converted into ‘MQL’ leads as they become prospective customers.

 Stage 4: Intent: Prospects demonstrate a clear indication of buying brand product & services.

 Stage 5: Evaluation: Buyers make a final decision about whether to buy a brand’s product or services.

 Stage 6: Purchase: This is the last stage in the sales funnel, where a potential client has made the decision to purchase and turns into a customer.

Benefits of having a Sales Funnel

benefits of the sales funnel
  • Marketing becomes simpler: A sales funnel makes the lead generation process more simplified and organized. The funnel gives a visual representation of the total amount of leads captured vs. leads converted throughout the sales conversion journey; this can provide invaluable insight on how many total leads are required in the awareness part of the funnel and the total investment needed for the same. You can then wisely invest your time and money into receiving qualified leads.
  • Sales forecasts are more accurate: The funnel provides deep insight into forecasts and predictions on the number of leads acquired vs. leads converted. It should also be reviewed for insights on how potential customers are interacting with different stages of the funnel and if there is further room for improvement. It can accurately predict how much of your product or service you could sell in the future. Not only does this help you with your sales plan for the next quarter, but you can also start planning efforts to meet your projected target for the next quarter or fiscal year.
  • Conversion rates are improved: A structured funnel means a more targeted audience which in turn gives higher sales conversion. More leads generate more interest and intent, ultimately resulting into more customers. The sales team also gets a more visual representation of the funnel, which helps in personalizing the customer journey. Businesses also see an increase in sales as the 360-degree view of the funnel tracks how every lead passes through the funnel. It also tracks the time it takes to become a customer and the conversations that are happening with your business.
  • More accountability for your sales: The funnel helps in terms of sales accountability, reducing any confusion regarding roles and responsibilities within the sales team. It also helps in the incentive structure for the sales team, showing a clear trajectory of who is awarded the incentives for the sale conversion. It makes it easier to know which channel (social, organic, referral, paid ) works best, what is your top-selling product and what product sells best to which audience demographic, providing a holistic view of the sales journey. 
  • Rake in more revenue: the sale funnel creates an organized route to success through acquisition, conversion, and monetization. The acquisition should be designed and structured to enable businesses to acquire as many new prospects as possible. Activation is designed to help the business convert as many of its potential customers into converted customers. Monetization should be focused on helping the business grow more revenue from its active buyers and current subscribers.
Building an Optimized Conversion Funnel

Creating a step-by-step journey helps to understand and identify what your customer’s true intent is. 

Step 1: Identify your customer journey

Google Analytics can decode and map the customer journey using reports like user flow. GA is also useful to re-attract customers through remarketing pixel and ad campaigns.Having a clear intent driven customer journey can assure a delighted customer and prompt a revisit. Here are a few questions that can create a clear path for your business.

  • How visitors behave when they first land on your website homepage?
  • How visitors react when they find one of your product or service pages?
  • What referring domains bring in the most traffic?
  • How many touchpoints does the average consumer make before converting into a paying buyer?
  • Do you have a live chatbot to help direct the visitor to the right page on the website?
  • Do you have a remarketing plan to keep your potential clients engaged with the business and its product?

Step 2: Map your funnel stages to conversion triggers.

Using the four stages — awareness, interest, desire & action — create a plan for encouraging consumers through your sales funnel. Create an engaging content strategy for all four stages of a funnel, making sure the content is optimized in accordance with the customer intent. List the types of content you want to serve up at each stage, for instance, and the pages on your site you want to test.

Step 3: Define the point at which a visitor turns into a lead.

For most digital businesses, a visitor becomes a lead when they hand over their contact information — usually a name, contact number, and email address. It’s important to decide how you’ll help consumers transition from the awareness stage to the interest stage to the desired stage to the action stage. Your email subscribers should receive content designed for all four stages so you cater to your entire target audience.

Sales funnels are important to your business. They help you gain a deeper view into the entire customer journey to boost awareness and sales. If you don’t have a sales funnel yet, it’s time to build one. Begin with creating a simple sales funnel, focusing on pain points, identifying opportunities for business growth.

Create a strong sales funnel for your digital business today with Tekhné Agency.

Written By Anisha Chaudhari